Soldier 30:30 Running 30 miles with 30 lbs
Mission Accomplished!! On Saturday 13th October Oliver, Jose, Jimmy and myself marched onto Exmoor and into Storm Callum to complete the Soldier3030 challenge – a brutal 30 mile course carrying a minimum of 15 Kg each in our rucksacks!! Despite the weather, sore shoulders and wet feet it was fantastic fun!
Due to the awful weather, this year the circuit was shorter than usual but still we managed a very “decent” time of 8h and 45 minutes and ascenting over 1700m of Exmoor’s National park hills!
I am delighted to say that thanks to your support we have far exceeded our original fundraising target and raised a total of £4,700 for the FirstLight Trust. To put into real terms that will fund a support worker for 3 months delivering much needed help to vulnerable veterans and ex-emergency services personnel suffering from poor mental health.
On the 13th October 2018 Oliver, Jimmy, Pepe and Jose raced across Exmoor covering 30 miles through 12 checkpoints carrying 30lbs to raise money for the FirstLight Trust.
The opportunity to take part came at a FirstLight Trust event at the Cavalry and Guards Club last December when Oliver got challenged by the organiser to put a team in. Never to shy away from a challenge he simply marched across the room to Pepe who instantly agreed to join the team. Very quickly Jimmy and Jose got onboard to form a dynamic, Anglo-Spanish alliance. The Stand-to team.
The aim was to raise £3,000 for FirstLight Trust, a small charity for veterans of the Emergency Services and Armed Force who suffer from mental health issues. Often personnel leaving the services struggle with the transition. FirstLight Trust is growing a local network of cafes and centres that support veterans and their families where it matters – in their community and in their homes.
Thanks again so much and if you are interested in putting your own team together next year – get in touch!
More info about the race at: